Helsinki’s historic Malmi Airport is under threat. The local authorities want to close the airport to build a new residential area.
The airport is wonderfully preserved and has its original pre-war terminal in place. It is currently Finland’s second-busiest airport, although movements are general aviation.
People are being urged to sign an online petition to save the airport. You can read more about it and sign the petition on this page http://www.pelastamalmi.org/en/index.html
26.03.2014 The Government of Finland has decided to CLOSE the Malmi airport (EFHF) ENTIRELY and build homes all over the airport area. The Friends of Malmi Airport Society (FoMA) need everyone’s help in the fight to save the airport.
What You can do to help us?
Least You can so, is sign the petition and spread this information forward.
Thank You and keep praying!
Our new website
Malmi airport is still 2’nd busiest airport in Finland.
We still fighting and struggling against City of Helsinki and Government of Finland