Shanghai Pudong Hotel Recommendation

by Matt Falcus

A recent report by Paul Moiser from a spotting trip to China gives the following details about the 4-star Ease Hotel in the terminal.

To get to the hotel from where the bus drops you off if coming from Shanghai Hongqiao, walk inside the terminal and take the elevator down to level 1, you will see signs for the Maglev station, walk through to
the maglev station, then take the elevator up to the first floor, you will see their are two hotels joined together via a walkway, being Motel 168 which is a 3 star, and the Ease Hotel which is a 4 star. His room in the Ease Hotel was 8801. It was large, and contained two wide screen TV’s in each corner of the room.

Here’s an official link to the hotel.

The rooms offer superb views of the action. Movements arriving can be read off once they vacate the runway, whilst those taxiing over to T1 taxi right infront of you on the cross taxiway, which seemed to be the main taxiiway.  Aircraft parked on T2 also used the cross taxiiway to taxi out for departure.

Once it goes dark some of the movements using the cross taxiiway can still be read off with a steady hand as its very well lit up. Having an SBS to hand will naturally prove invaluable in the dark.

Visit Paul’s site here

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